Friday, November 13, 2009

7 and a half

BB is achieving every milestone a bit on the fast track it seems these days, especially in the mobility section.

BB first got to a sitting position from tummy when she just turned 7 months old. One moment, she was on her tummy, next moment saw her sitting up straight on her play mat. And from then onwards, she just started crawling all over the place. And after that, she is now climbing stairs, hoisting herself up by hanging on to furniture for dear life, or hanging on to her mom's telekung when mommy is praying.

She is more capable of sleeping on her own without nursing right to sleep. Maybe, just maybe, soon the day will come when she goes to sleep completely on her own.

Physically, she weighs approximately 8.5kg, a very small increase as she is moving much more these days. She is still using 6 months old clothes. A relief on the wallet.

Not much stranger anxiety yet. She still smiles at strangers when they talk to her.

Although she has started on solids, she can do perfectly fine without solids for two days in a row, ie, relying totally in breastmilk. She doesn't like plums but likes chilled pureed pears, and seems to enjoy fish too.

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